Be a better person in 8 steps

There is no limit to self improvement and while nobody can be perfect, it is good practice to constantly take steps towards becoming a better individual. Everybody wants to become better than they are currently and though the process would involve changes in lifestyle, thought processes and even some risk taking, it is well worth it. You need to take it as a challenge and once you are successful, you will notice that your own assessment of yourself goes up many notches and you are also more amiable to others.
So let us look at what you need to do to bring about positive changes in your personality.


You must be alive to the fact that your words and actions carry some impact on those around you. In fact even when you speak harshly to somebody or honk needlessly irritated at the person in the front, you are causing disturbance to people in the surrounding. This result in a spin off effect and many more people get impacted. It is therefore extremely important to duly consider and pause before you utter something or act hastily.
Similarly your reactions to something harsh or rude should also be a measured one. If somebody does speak rudely to you, it is not necessary for you to shout back at him or her. If you counter such animosity with a smile, you would have dissipated any feeling of anger from the opposite person and you will also go back a satisfied and contented person feeling good about yourself. It obviously calls for great mental discipline and resolve, but can be achieved over time.


It is said that words can hurt an individual more than physical violence as scars borne out of violence will heal in due course but somebody hurt by a verbal volley will not be able to forget it so quickly. It is therefore very imperative for you to pause and think before you say anything harsh or react to a situation spontaneously. Though you may be right and honest in your response, it can create discomfort in the person to whom it is directed and that is why many wise men have recommended that you are supposed to think carefully before reacting with any action or words.
You only need to ponder about how you would feel if somebody were to use the same words against you and that should prevent you from saying anything in a rush.


When you are of help to others, you boost your image not only in their eyes but feel good about yourself. It has been observed that people including teenagers who constantly help others and are of service to them grow to be far better individuals who are composed and mature. They feel good about themselves and do not suffer from an identity crisis.
You need to remember that it is not how you look, what your academic qualifications are or the post you are holding in your organization that determines your personality but how keen and enthusiastic you are about helping others in times of need that will determine your true nature. You can do so through monetary means and by spending time and effort to help somebody and that will give you a feeling of satisfaction that no pay rise or a trip to the nearest mall can give you. A personality borne out of good looks, a plum job or great qualifications is a superficial one and is not sustainable in the long run.


It is no use being skilled at a particular sport or musical instrument if you are cagey about sharing your knowledge and skills with others. You can do so by offering to train underprivileged children or play for free at events to raise money for such children or homes. It is very vital for you to realize the value of your natural talents and how you can put them to good use for the benefit of others. Hence make sure that you know about your skills and how you can use them.


Just as you should be confident about your skills and knowledge, you must also be aware of the areas of weaknesses within you. Knowing about them will help you take proper steps to address them satisfactorily and that is another huge step towards a better personality. While at this, be conscious of the fact that you should not seek perfection as that is a difficult and even impossible task. The idea should be to focus on each of your weaknesses and address them through tangible corrective steps so that you are able to notice the improvement within yourself after some time. Make sure you concentrate on one thing at a time and set yourself definite time bound goals. If you feel you are over worked, take time to indulge in some recreational activity so that you feel lighter and better.
Sometimes it is difficult to get to know your weaknesses. You can therefore ask somebody close to you to let you know about what they feel are areas that you need to improve. Take this feedback positively and work at steps that will lead to improvement in those areas. Here again, it is necessary to focus on one thing at a time and not try to accomplish everything quickly. The changes you want to bring about will take time and you should have the patience to work through them by taking delight in small successes. Only that will ensure that you stay the course.


Some of us get so involved in our relationships, at work and other activities that we forget to take care of our own body and mind. This is especially true about women. They often multi task and end up neglecting their own needs. This leads to stress and that can be pretty harmful. It is thus vital to look after yourself so that you are in a better state of health and mind to help others and that is what will be appreciated by everybody.


Many of us find it difficult to express our appreciation for something or someone. It is not because we do not want to do it, but somehow we do much less of it. In this process, we end up taking others for granted. It is very important to express your appreciation through kind words of acknowledgement to your spouse, parents or friend who have been of some assistance to you or have done something for you out of love and affection for you.
Even at the work place, there are so many people who make our lives better and convenient such as the office utilities person or the house keeping agency. All we need to do is express our appreciation for the work they are doing through a simple card or email and that is enough to bring a smile on their faces and motivate them to do even better. As human beings, all of us love praise for a good work done and it is up to us to practice it at our work place as well. Really, it is so simple but we do not seem to do it as often as we should.


It is said that faith can move mountains. Many individuals have experienced great benefits and changes in their personality when they have turned to their faith and have tried to explore their latent spirituality. The acts of prayer, meditation and compassion are truly very effective and can bring about a positive change in your personality.
As you can see, any one of the above eight steps or all of them have the potential to bring about changes in you. It is not necessary for you to do everything at the same time. Just focus on one thing at a given time and take courage from the small successes that you achieve with that before going to the next one. As you go through this process, you will feel the change within yourself and what’s more, others too will take notice.


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