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If you caught something other than a White/Brown/Grey mouse, you're fairly lucky.
NOTE: Just so you know, clicking on the Mousehunt badge on the left
of your green CAMP button will open your Hunting Profile page.
Jonathan: I'll assume that you've at least read abit of the How to Play Guide
and a portion of the newbie guide above. You must be feeling
pretty blur right now, so thats where this guide comes in! Enjoy! =)
Enough, let's start already!
Okay, okay. Chill.
Here we go. This is where it all begins.
Your adventure begins here. Here in the Town..
The Traveler.
You're currently in the Town of Gnawnia (an area), in Gnawnia (a region).
This is where you start the game.
You're allowed to travel to new areas and regions as you increase in rank.
No matter where you are in the game, Travelling to ToG is always free.
Your map (the full map) slowly gets bigger as you gain access to the new areas.
You'll also be delighted to know that the Menu bar's scenery (under your Hunter's Horn) changes according to your area.
your current one should be a boy and a girl and some greenery.
New areas are unlocked either by:
a) reaching a certain rank
b) getting a certain map piece to that area
c) both of the above
But more on that later.
Okay, okay. Chill.
Here we go. This is where it all begins.
The Traveler.
You're currently in the Town of Gnawnia (an area), in Gnawnia (a region).
This is where you start the game.
You're allowed to travel to new areas and regions as you increase in rank.
No matter where you are in the game, Travelling to ToG is always free.
Your map (the full map) slowly gets bigger as you gain access to the new areas.
You'll also be delighted to know that the Menu bar's scenery (under your Hunter's Horn) changes according to your area.
your current one should be a boy and a girl and some greenery.
New areas are unlocked either by:
a) reaching a certain rank
b) getting a certain map piece to that area
c) both of the above
But more on that later.
Visit the Cheese Shoppe & buy about 20 Cheddar cheese (or whatever amount that brings it to 40 cheddar).
You'll note that there are other cheese available, but don't use them even if you can afford it.
It's just not worth it, and Cheddar will do fine for now.
Jonathan: For those mathcraft freaks who are reading this, heres an explanation:
White/Brown/Grey Mice, often refered to as 'Coloured Mice' (no racial discrimination meant) give about 100-150 gold each (give or take).
Take a look at the table below:
Cheese | Cost |
Cheddar | 10 |
Marble | 50 |
Swiss | 100 |
Brie | 200 |
As you can see, using Brie cheese will definitely incur a net loss of about 50-100 gold/coloured mouse.
Swiss cheese will allow you to breakeven or make up to 50% profit.
Marble cheese will allow you to make about 100%-150% profit
The best choice is Cheddar, where you make at least 1000% profit (10x profit).
You may or may not find yourself with some cheese called SuperBrie+.
This is a very special cheese that offers 99% attraction rate to a lot of the mice in the game.
Whatever you do, don't use your SuperBrie+ yet!
More info here.
Man, you guys are imaginative. The only thing that sparkles like Diamonds in the sunlight
is the Diamond Mouse. Geez.
You'll be seeing a lot of Coloured mice here. Get used to these.
The reason we asked you to use Cheddar is because of its cheap cost,
as you will immediately want to save up gold for new stuff.
It's up to you, really. Travel is cheap.
Hunt until you have 650 points
and at least 1500 gold.
It shouldn't take very long.
This seems to be a good time to tell you about Trap Checks.
Trap checks?!yes, Trap Checks.
Every hour*, the game automatically triggers a Trap Check.*
*(Click link for more detailed info)
Think of it as a free, automatic sound of the horn.
Continue hunting until you have 650 points and at least 1500 gold.
When you do, you are ready for your first upgrade.
Buy the Wooden Base with Target (1,225g) from the Trapsmith.
(Don't forget to equip it if it isn't already equipped)
Wooden Base with Target
(Target Base)
Power: 75
Attraction: 20
(Target Base)
Power: 75
Attraction: 20
It's a significant upgrade from your old base.
40 more power, and even some Attraction Bonus.
Relax, we're here for window shopping.
Take good note of their price range and point requirements.
Yes, we know some of the price and points look ridiculously high.
Don't worry, you will be able to afford them someday,
and we'll list them out later for you to choose then.
YOUR NEXT GOAL: save about 7,800 gold
Remember: Cheddar. Buy as much as you can afford,
but don't forget travel costs. (25g)
Return to the Meadow.
When you do have enough, you are ready for your next upgrade.
Return to ToG.
Wondering which to buy? Lets do a comparison:
Details | Mouse Mary O'Nette | 500 Pound Spiked Crusher |
Points Needed: | 2,100 | 2,100 |
Cost: | 6,250 gold | 3,450 gold |
Power: | 250 | 250 |
Power Bonus: | 0 | 10% |
Attraction Bonus: | 6% | 0 |
Luck: | 5 | 1 |
Cheese Effect: | Fresh | No Effect |
Which one?
As you can immediately see, The Mouse Mary O' Nette costs almost 3,000 gold
more for the same amount of power: 250
However, The Mouse Mary O' Nette has +6% Attraction Bonus AND additional +4 luck.
The Cheese Effect is also Fresh, which means you will see less Stale Cheese in your Hunter's Journal.
The 500 Pound Spike Crusher has a 10% power bonus. Do not be tempted by this stat.
Why? Because In this early game, the percentage of the power bonus does really little for you.
The Question: Is the Mary O' Nette worth the cash?
The Answer: Yes. These additional stats (especially attraction) prove to quite
crucial during an early game time such as this.
Mouse Mary O'Nette
Power: 250
Attraction Bonus: 6%
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: Fresh
We chose the Mouse Mary O' Nette.
(again, don't forget to arm it if it isn't already)
You have your new weapon. It's also time for a new cheese!
If you are desperate for gold, you can sell your stock of Cheddar.
(otherwise, you can keep it. You will actually need some Cheddar later in the game)
Buy a suitable amount of (at least 30) Marble Cheese and arm it.
Your New Setup:
Mary O' Nette Target Base Marble Cheese
This should be your new setup.
We suggest you hunt in the Town of Gnawnia, so you can stock up on cheese without
having to travel too much. This can really speed up your gold+points progress towards your next trap upgrade.
However, if you're feeling adventurous, you can opt to hunt in the Meadow now, and try to:▪ Catch the rare Mole Mouse. (not easy!)
▪ Catch the Dwarf Mouse that sometimes drops Plankrun's Pages.
(Note: The Plankrun's Pages are NOT required for you to progress in MouseHunt)
If you've caught them, congratulations!
Lucky you.
If you haven't, don't worry.
You can go to the meadow and try to catch these rare mice AFTER the next trap upgrade too.
either way, it's hunting time.
Your next target is to save enough to get the Mouse Trebuchet.
It will also require 11,000 points.
The figures look kinda steep, huh.
I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you about Trap Help Programmes.
Trap Help ProgrammesMousehunt is not an old game.
There are many many players before you, and some of the more generous
ones have set up groups and communities that will help newer Mousehunters like you along your way.
One of the most useful purposes of the groups is its TRAP HELP PROGRAMME.
These programmes sponsor you set amounts of gold as a gift
towards helping you purchase a trap faster.
There is no need to return the gold.
Each of these programmes come with their own rules and requirements
that must be followed accordingly in order to receive the gold and the help.
Groups with Trap Help Programmes
(Click link for more detailed info)
Think of it as free financial aid/gold sponsorship.
respect and appreciate them.
At this time,you may want to make use of the Trebuchet Trap Programme.
Just make sure you meet the requirements and follow the instructions.
If your application gets approved, it'll be a huge bonus towards your progress.
You can get your trap much sooner.
And the Stone base?
Power: 150
Power Bonus:10%
Cheese Effect: Fresh
Don't buy it.
We are skipping the purchase of the Stone Base.
Why? Because just like the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher,
the Power Bonus isn't worth the gold right now. And you need Attraction more than ever.
Using the Stone Base will result in many "Fail to Attract"s (FTA).
Your Target Base will do just fine.
(Note: You can pick this up at later levels if you want to)
Keep on hunting.
When you have enough gold, head back to ToG.
It's that time again.
Purchase the Mouse Trebuchet(15,850g, 11,000 points)
Mouse Trebuchet
Power: 600
Power Bonus: 2%
Attraction Bonus: 4%
Luck: 1
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh
Your new setup:
This should be your new setup.
Stick with Target Base and Marble Cheese for now.
The Explosive base?
Don't buy it YET.
We won't be buying the Explosvie Base BEFORE our next weapon.
The Swiss Army Mouse Trap
In case you didn't know, hovering your mouse over the bar shows the percentage of your progress.
Remember: Points do not directly increase your progress.
Instead, constant activity, horns, and streaks of catches will increase it significantly.
* * * * * * * * * *
I am quite sure you will reach Apprentice before having
enough to purchase new components for your setup.
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